Expected delivery days and price calculation


Expected delivery days and price calculation
Service Type
Shipment Type Shipping condition
Amount of Insurance won
Actual Weight kg
Max Volume


Expected delivery days and price calculation
Expected delivery days
Total Price
  Supplementary shipping surcharges
  Insurance service fee
  • Supplementary shipping surcharges
    - These surcharges are applied for air mail and surface mail items due to increases in air and sea freight rates.
    - The amounts of the charges vary by country, mail category, transportation type, weight, etc.
  • Please note that this page only provides the price information of a destination country, which does not imply the country’s service availability.
  • For more information and service availability of destination countries, please contact a post office or Korea Post Customer Call Center at (+82) 1588 1300.
  • When applying for EMS pickup service, the EMS pickup service fee will be added.
    - EMS pickup service fee : 3,000 KRW per item per visit, with an additional 1,000 KRW per each additional item, up to a maximum of 5,000 KRW
  • Click here to check the country list with the maximum weight of 20 kg for EMS items.
  • Please note that this page only provides the price information of a destination country, which does not imply the country’s service availability.
  • For more information and service availability of destination countries, please contact a post office or Korea Post Customer Call Center at (+82) 1588 1300.
  • The expected price is based on the larger figure between the volumetric weight and net weight.
  • If the applied weight exceeds the weight limit, the shipment cannot be accepted.
  • When applying the volume weight, it may be limited to below the maximum standard.
  • Volumetric weight calculation method

Weight(Kg) =

Width(cm) X Length(cm) X Height(cm)

  • 5% discount will be provided if you use Korea Post’s smart shipping system for international mail.(Except when you pay with stamps)
    * The day of application is not included in the expected delivery days.
  • The expected delivery days do not include holidays or the period retained at customs.
  • For non-document items including goods, the delivery time may be extended due to customs clearance.(The day of submission and public holidays are not included in the delivery time)

Important note

  • This price estimation service is for reference only, and you can identify the exact price amount when your mail item is actually submitted.
  • < Notice on Supplementary shipping surcharges >
    - These surcharges are applied for air mail and surface mail items due to increases in air and sea freight rates.
    - The name of the “Special shipping surcharge” has been changed to “Additional transportation fee” as of April 1, 2024, and the scope of application has been expanded from air mail to include both air mail and sea mail as of April 8, 2024.
    - The name of the “Special shipping surcharges” has been changed to “Supplementary shipping surcharges” as of April 1, 2024, with its coverage expanded from air mail to include both air mail and surface mail from April 8, 2024.
  • The following countries are approved as destinations with a possible delivery delay. Items destined to these countries are not subject to compensation for delays in EMS service. EMS Premium service is recommended for these destination. (NIGERIA, NEPAL, NEPAL, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, MEXICO, MOROCCO, MOZAMBIQUE, BANGLADESH, BRAZIL, SRI LANKA, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ALGERIA, ETHIOPIA, OMAN, JORDAN, IRAN(ISLAMIC REP), EGYPT, ZAMBIA, KAZAKHSTAN, CUBA, PANAMA(REP), PAKISTAN, PERU)
  • Countries where EMS guaranteed delivery service is temporarily suspended : AUSTRALIA, CANADA, CHINA(PEOPLE'S REP), SPAIN, FRANCE, UNITED KINGDOM, HONG KONG(CHINA), JAPAN, THAILAND, U.S.A
  • The following countries are currently unavailable for shipment due to delivery disruptions: